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Offshoot Coffee

La Laja

La Laja

  • Colombia
  • Peach, Lime, Jam Drop
  • 1750masl

First roast 26/03/2024

Origin Story

Peach, Lime, Jam Drop
Country: Colombia
Region: Cauca
Process: Double Fermentation Honey
Variety: Castillo
Elevation: 1750masl

James Fernandez Vivas is the owner of La Laja, where 5 hectares are dedicated to cultivating coffee, encompassing both Castillo and Colombia varieties. Located in central-western Colombia, Cauca extends from the Western Cordillera to the Pacific Ocean, characterized by cooling ocean winds and elevation. This region is primarily cultivated by indigenous or Afro-descendant communities, amidst a landscape featuring the Popayan Plateau, numerous rivers, and the central volcanic mountain range. During the harvesting season, they undergo a detailed process: Initially, they are placed in plastic tanks for 24 hours to achieve 14° Brix. Subsequently, the cherries are pulped and transferred to a second tank for an additional 48 hours of fermentation, resulting in an 11° Brix level. The coffee then further undergoes a 16-day drying process in a parabolic solar dryer, with movement occurring four times daily to ensure uniform drying. Overnight, the coffee is covered with plastic to prevent moisture absorption.


Dose - 15g
Yield - 240g
Grind - Coarse
Water Temperature - 94c
Time - 2:50
4 pours of 60g every 45 seconds

Fast Delivery

All orders are packaged with care and shipped within 3 business days.

You can expect your order to arrive within 4 business days within Australia metro areas, depending on shipping option chosen.

We ship internationally fresh coffee!

For international orders we use Fedex Express which takes about 3-10 business days depending on your location.

Grind/Whole Bean
Regular price $22.00
Regular price Sale price $22.00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
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